Test and Train your Knee Motion, Stability and Strength from Home.
Knee Home Exercises
GETTING FAMILIAR WITH YOUR KNEE KIT: These exercises use the MotionGuidance® system to work on various components of restoring full and healthy knee function. This video shows you how to place the strap and laser on your knee, to get started on working your leg!
EXERCISE 1: PHASE 1 KNEE CHALLENGES: These exercises use the MotionGuidance® system to work on being able to purely straighten your knee, and hold it during a leg raise. This skill is vital in many areas of rehab after injury or surgery, and has to do with your ability to properly engage your quad muscle, as well as your total extension range of motion.
QUAD SET: We recommend 5 second holds, 10 times, a few times per day ***you may be lacking knee extension: that is ok! Just try to press your knee fully into extension and get the laser as far down your foot as you are able to... you can start by aiming the laser at the tip of the toe, then seeing if you can move it toward your mid foot.
STRAIGHT LEG RAISE: 3 sets to good fatigue, keeping the laser in your FULL extension (the laser should not leave your foot as you elevate and lower the leg).
TERMINAL KNEE EXTENSION: We recommend 5 second holds, 10 times, a few times per day ***you may be lacking knee extension: that is ok! Just try to press your knee fully into extension and get the laser as far down your foot as you are able to... you can start by aiming the laser a few feet in front of your foot and trying to "bring the laser to the toe"- practice often if you are lacking movement!
Consult a healthcare provider prior to performing exercise to determine which exercises are appropriate for you. This video is for educational purposes only.
EXERCISE 2: PHASE 2 KNEE CHALLENGES: These exercises use the MotionGuidance® system to work on being able squat and load your knee in various angles, with control.
An important note: if you start and the laser is aimed at the tip of your toe, this a good starting point. However, if you want things to be easier you can aim the laser a foot in front of your toe- this will require less movement to move the laser! Likewise, you can aim the laser further up your foot to near where you shoelaces would be tied, to make things harder and require more squat!
SQUAT CHALLENGE: We recommend "squatting the lines" 10+ times or to good fatigue!
SQUAT WITH INWARD AND OUTWARD MOTION: as described in the video, you can go to each target line and draw your leg in and out, and return (or keep going to the next line)- try to repeat a bout of this exercise hitting all three lines, 5-10 times!
LUNGE CHALLENGE: Practice your lunge, slow and controlled on all 3 lines. Get creative and hit different targets! You can also stand 4 feet away from the flag and lunge to numbers on the "clock" that is printed on your flag. Practice for 3-5 minutes, or to good fatigue!
Consult a healthcare provider prior to performing exercise to determine which exercises are appropriate for you. This video is for educational purposes only.
EXERCISE 3: PHASE 3 KNEE CHALLENGES: These exercises use the MotionGuidance® system to work on being able squat and load your knee in various angles, with control.
An important note: for single leg activity, it is best to aim the laser about a foot in front of your toe, at least. Because you are on one leg, we won't be squatting as deep here. Also, if this is too challenging and you are unable to control your leg standing on one leg, grab some support! you can use a few hiking poles, or have your back foot touching a couch cushion to make this a bit easier! It's all about finding something that is the right level of CHALLENGE, but still being do-able! As you improve, make it harder!
SINGLE LEG SQUAT CHALLENGE: Practice your single leg squat, slow and controlled on all 3 lines. Get creative and hit different targets! You can also stand 4 feet away from the flag and perform a single leg squat to numbers on the "clock" that is printed on your flag. Practice for 3-5 minutes, or to good fatigue!
Consult a healthcare provider prior to performing exercise to determine which exercises are appropriate for you. This video is for educational purposes only.
Download a sample exercise sheet!